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B&B Group le relais , address

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within 0,5km from the scuderie del quirinale from the palazzo delle esposizioni from the mercati di traiano from the museo napoleonico from the museo e galleria borghese from the colosseo from the museo di roma - palazzo braschi from the fontana di trevi from the mausoleo di augusto from the musei capitolini from the pantheon from the bocca della verita from the circo massimo from the vittoriano - altare della patria from the fori imperiali from the scalinata di trinita dei monti from the domus aurea from the domus aurea from the basilica di massenzio from the palazzo massimo alle terme from the campo de fiori from the palazzo venezia from the museo dell ara pacis from the museo di roma in trastevere from the palazzo ruspoli from the teatro di marcello from the museo barracco from the foro romano from the casa di augusto ,placed in the area city center in Roma,the B&B Group le relais one of the accommodation facilities in Roma just in the area of Roma there's the chance many tourstic attractions.

as far as it appears from datas there is a intense nightlife in this area
easy to reach by subway
no pollution's risk reported within 10km
last update : 2014/03/24 00:00