Abbey theatre pub , address , opening times , contacts
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M | T | W | T | F | S | S |
12-02 |
12-02 |
12-02 |
12-02 |
12-02 |
12-02 |
12-02 |
placed in the area city center in Roma,the Abbey theatre pub is a
pub in Roma where you can
have a breakfast or drink a beer and chit-chat with friends.
in the week you can find live music
There are 4 clubs where to go dancing or 2 cinema where to continue the night out.
Then if you had to change mind you will find in the neighborhood at least 32 similar places.
as far as it appears from datas there is a intense nightlife in this area
even if it's not very close you can come here by the subway
last update : 2022/11/20 14:16